How to remote exec terraform docker run image
How to remote exec terraform docker run image

how to remote exec terraform docker run image
  1. #How to remote exec terraform docker run image how to
  2. #How to remote exec terraform docker run image install

The file contains the text to be shown: My Test Website With Help From Terraform Provisioner

  • Creating an index.html file that will have its contents displayed when testing the server.
  • how to remote exec terraform docker run image

    #How to remote exec terraform docker run image install

  • Installing Apache ( install httpd ) and starting the webserver ( systemctl start httpd ).
  • This image is stored in the docker container registry provided by Amazon through.

    #How to remote exec terraform docker run image how to

    For this example, the commands will be for: Explains how to run containers with the Fargate technology used in ECS. Next, you will see the inline section, which lists commands to run on your newly created VM. The remote-exec keyword allows you to execute commands on the remote host: your web server, an EC2 instance.

    how to remote exec terraform docker run image

    When inspecting the code, you will see the remote-exec keyword, meaning this Terraform provisioner is a remote one. So you will want to pay special attention to the provisioner block present in The primary focus of this guide is Terraform provisioners. As you don’t want to miss anything, a few screenshots will come next, highlighting different relevant parts. The file contains a few configurations worth examining. Once logged in, install Git with the following command so you can clone the example repository: sudo yum install -y git Related: Getting Started using SSH with PowerShellĢ. You will kick off this guide by cloning some Terraform code you will need later. In this article, you will learn about Terraform and its configuration files by getting your hands dirty by setting up an Apache server on your AWS EC2 instance. You and your team can treat the Terraform configuration files as code: edit, review, and version them. Team members can share the configuration files amongst the team. Terraform is an open-source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files. Related: Building an AWS VPC with Terraform Step-by-Step Cloning the Terraform Code

  • An EC2 instance with Terraform installed.
  • If you don’t have an AWS account, a free tier account is available.
  • An AWS account with powers to create resources.
  • If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have the following: Following is the terraform recipe i am using. This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. I have a use case where i am provisioning a GOMaster and GOServer using terraform and then registering goserver with newly provisioned gomaster.

    How to remote exec terraform docker run image